Ever feel like something is after you as a writer?

Well, you’re probably right. There is something after you, something that is trying its hardest to keep you from writing the beautiful words you were created to write.

It’s called fear and one of the ways it tries to stop you is by making you believe negative things about yourself and your writing. These are commonly called limiting beliefs.

According to Tony Robbins.com, “Limiting beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are that hold us back from becoming who we are meant to be.”

It’s like fear tries to use your tools—stories—against you. Knowing what those stories are can go a long way in helping you recognize and reject them.

Here are five of what I believe are the most common limiting beliefs writers believe.

1. I’m not a good enough writer

For what? Yes, you may not be a good enough writer (yet!) to be able to write a book that forever holds a top place on the shelves of literature, but you don’t have to be.

Because you don’t have to be super talented to write something that really helps someone.

You don’t have to be super talented to write a story that makes people feel something.

You don’t have to be super talented to be used by God.

Gideon, who was an Israelite in the Old Testament, seemed like the worst possible choice for an army general, yet God picked him and proceeded to give him the victory over the enemy.

And do you know what God said to Gideon when Gideon tried to protest that his family was poor and that he was the youngest in his family? He said, “Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man.” (Judges 6: 16).

It was God’s presence that made Gideon an army general who could lead his army to conquer a whole nation like it was just one man. You don’t have to conquer a whole army. You just have to conquer that one page. (Yeah, I know it feels like an army sometimes but…perspective. XD)

You may feel like an amateur. You may feel like you’re forever embarrassing the writing craft by writing your story. But let me tell you, if God can turn a fearful man like Gideon (just read Judges 6! That guy was scareddddd.) into the victorious leader of Israel’s army, then he can turn you into a victorious writer who can write books that give him glory.

That victory that gave the children of Israel their freedom back wasn’t about Gideon’s skill, it was about his willingness to let God use him. Don’t worry about whether or not you have talent. Focus on being willing to let God use you. And as you can see with Gidoen’s story, he can use you for some pretty amazing stuff!

2. I’m behind

You’re always going to be behind someone. And you know what? They’re behind someone else. So chances are, even if you do “get ahead”, you’re just going to see another person in front of you.

Where you are in the process of becoming a writer doesn’t matter as much as your focus, consistency, and determination.

As long as you are focused on what your goal is, it doesn’t really matter where you are, you’ll get to where you want to go eventually.

As long as you are consistent, you will get to that next milestone eventually, no matter how long it takes. You will get there. If you’re determined, you’re probably going to outlast people who are ahead of you but don’t have as strong a desire to get to the goal.

The longer you stay dedicated, the farther ahead you’ll go, while others slow down.

And lastly, I know what it feels like to feel behind, and not just in writing, but I want you to know, I want us to know, that in the long run, it doesn’t really matter. Whether or not you got published as a teenager doesn’t really matter when you’re sixty and publishing bestselling books.

It’s not like you’ll be sitting at your desk, with that bookshelf of bestsellers behind you, saying to yourself, “Oh, I just wish I could say that I got published as a teenager! I know twenty is pretty young, but oh, if it had just been a year sooner!”

You know?

So focus on doing your best, stay consistent, and don’t lose your determination. Because if you don’t do those things, you probably won’t make progress, no matter where you are in the “line”.

3. I don’t have what it takes

What does it take, really?

Writing is supposed to be enjoyable, or at least fulfilling, most of the time, and if it isn’t for you, you may want to do an evaluation.

Are you overworking yourself and so tired and burnt out? Nothing like burnout to make you feel incapable of everything.

Are you expecting perfection? Perfection is an illusion. You think you can reach it, but you never quite do no matter how hard you try, right? I know. Me too. I like this quote: “No one is perfect… that’s why pencils have erasers.” – Author Unknown

Are you looking at other people and expecting yourself to perform as they do? You are not them. For a reason. They don’t have what you have. Why is the focus always on how you don’t have what they have? Your best is the best, for you. And your best is not defined by their best.

You have what it takes to write. All you have to do is sit down and write. That’s all it is. You’re not inventing the world’s next mind blowing device. You’re writing a word. And then more words. You can do it. 😉

4. Other writers are better than me

Yes, they are. That is, a lot of them are. But you know what? A lot of them aren’t, too. There are many writers who are “behind” you in the writing journey.

So yes, if you’re always looking ahead at the people who are ahead of you, you’ll think you’re at the back of the line. But if you turn around, you’ll see many writers who are where you used to be.

And to be clear, this isn’t about putting yourself above other writers. It’s about not always putting yourself at the bottom of the pile. Because you’re not there. You’re making more progress than you think.

5. I don’t have the ability to make an impact

You’re not alone in thinking this. Like, you’re really not alone. And yet, like we said earlier with Gideon, God doesn’t care about what you think your abilities are. He likes to be the one who decides what your capabilities are.

Just look at Moses (Exodus 3 & 4). At eighty years God told him that he was going to be the person to tell the Pharaoh of Egypt to let God’s people go.

Boy, did Moses put up a fight!

He was completely convinced that he was not capable of doing such a thing. He didn’t even think the people would listen to him if he did speak to them. But then, look what God enabled him to do? He and his brother Aaron were the leaders who eventually—after God had showed his mighty power to Pharaoh—led the people of Israel out of Egypt and to the promised land.

And there was Jeremiah. He thought he couldn’t be a prophet because he was too young. Valid concern. Who would listen to him anyway? But God said, “Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.”

His age wasn’t a problem to God. And you know what? All the things that you think hold you back aren’t problems to God either. Like God said, don’t say, “I’m too young,” or “I’m not experienced enough,” or “I don’t have anything to share.” Like he did for Jeremiah, he will tell you what to say, he will send you where he wants you.

You don’t have to worry about how much ability or talent you have. We’ve seen that it’s not super important to God, so why should it be super important to you?

I know all those stories seem as real as life in the moment, but remember that, like many stories, they are fiction. They are not reality. And unlike good stories, you won’t be benefited by bringing them into your reality.

Also remember, it’s okay to have low times. It’s okay to have feelings of doubt and fear. But when you act like those feelings are reality, you give them power over you, and you make them true. They don’t have to be. Just because you feel a certain way, doesn’t mean that things actually are that way.

Now that you know some of the most common stories that fear will try to get you to believe, you’ll be able to recognize and reject them more easily.

Keep writing, my friend! Remember, you’re making more progress than you think!

about the author

Hello! I'm Laura. I’m a child of God first and foremost but after that I’m a writer, the oldest of a family of nine children, a country girl, a musician and much more! I love playing my guitar, cooking and baking, gardening, spending time with family and friends, riding my bike, and crafting.


  1. avatar
    Autumn Grace says:

    Your blog is so beautiful! <3 And thanks for being consistent in sharing writing wisdom with the world! 🙂

    1. avatar

      Oh Autumn, that is SUCH an encouragement to me!!! Thank you so much! 🩷

  2. avatar
    Azzie Grace says:

    Great job on this!!!! Soo true…and helpful. Love it! 💕

    1. avatar

      Thank you, girlie! 💕

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