In my last blog post I said that this year I was going to be taking action for the unimaginable. Not only am I doing that in my personal life, but I’m doing that with how I show up online. And I have a big goal.
This year, I want to support you as much as possible in your writing journey.
I want to give you as much writing encouragement, inspiration, and motivation as I can. I want to provide you with tons of value and actionable tips that you can implement to change your writing life. I want to be the one who you can go to if you need a virtual hug, a pep talk, or a shoot of positivity.
Now, I’m a young writer like you, so there are things that I’m not very experienced in—like publishing, writing craft, and plotting—but when it comes to helping you be consistent and disciplined, helping you to keep going when you want to quit, and encouraging you to bring love and fun into your writing, I’ve got you covered.
My personality is such that I thrive off of affirmation, encouragement, and seeing others doing what I want to do. My goal is to be the person I wish I could learn from—someone who is bringing a heart full of the love of God to their writing and who is dreaming big and being consistent. I want to take the mindsets, techniques, and strategies that I’m learning about from people in multiple areas of expertise—personal development, business, faith—and show you how you can apply it all to writing.
So you can win.
So you can have more joy.
So you can see bigger results. Things like increased productivity, a higher frequency of a “flow state”, and having more fun with writing.
These are the things that may seem far off or impossible. These are the things that you might not have ever dreamed for yourself, or, if you did dream of them you might have thought they couldn’t happen for you. But I am here to tell you, from personal experience, that the unimaginable is possible for you, if you believe it’s possible.
That’s what this year will be about.
I’m not perfect, I make plenty of mistakes, and I still have so much to learn. This year I will be sharing things with you that I am still working on myself. But I’m not here to be perfect. I’m here to be one of the sources of the love of God for you. I’m here to encourage you in your writing and to hopefully make your next writing session a little easier and more victorious. I’m here to remind you of how much you’re loved and how much you’re capable of.
But here’s the thing: in order to accomplish my goal I need your help. I can’t support you if I don’t know what you need support with, so could you please fill out this form? It will only take 2 minutes, and your feedback is invaluable to me as I start this new year and plan for how I will serve you in the coming months.
And in case you’re wondering, yes, I am shifting my niche a bit. I’ll share more about that in next week’s post. (: